All Posts By

Dana Olson

  • Health and Beauty

    Pilates Please

    Photo courtesy of The Balanced Life “Civilization impairs physical fitness.” – Joseph Pilates With such busy lifestyles these days and our bodies lacking that youthful resilience, it is so easy to put exercise on…

  • Horse Tales

    Not So Easy (part two)

    How do you say good bye to your heart? Little by little. Piece by piece. Sometimes all at once, but mostly in stages….in waves, but never completely. You have good days, and you have…

  • Horse Tales

    Not So Easy (part one)

    It was a Saturday morning…early. I was planning on spending the day caring for my grandchildren while their mom and dad had a little time to themselves. I was looking forward to it. I…

  • empty nest
    The Nest

    My Chapter Three: My Empty Nest

    My Roost Is Bare! It was a cold March in 2015 when my journey into the empty-nest phase of life began. I was thrust into it quite suddenly via a move we somewhat hastily…

  • The Nest

    I’m Not Done Yet!

    I did not adjust easily to the empty nest way of life. I was not the one dancing, celebrating with a glass of wine, a hoot and a holler while basking in the emptiness…

  • The Nest

    Christmas…In an Empty Nest

    Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash As you read this post (it is actually a letter I composed to family and friends), keep in mind it is raw, unfiltered copy (not explicit) and expresses…